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Strategic Communication  | Cultural Transformation | Individual & Team Coaching | Public Speaking

Accompanying individuals and organizations in their transformation 

Hello and welcome !

Thank you for taking the time to check out our website.

I’m Chloé Dungelhoeff, a caring, dynamic and curious person. Prior to founding Change and Shine, I spent 20 years in the corporate world working in communications, marketing and change management roles, leading teams and advising my C-level colleagues on their personal branding. I am driven by making a positive impact on people, projects and society as a whole. I love working with organisations and colleagues who are committed to sustainability and well-being.

At Change and Shine, we are dedicated to guiding individuals and organisations through their transformation towards greater well-being and harmony through coaching, change management and effective communication (internal, external, crisis, public speaking). 

We offer personalised support to individuals looking for a career change that matches their values and desire to make a positive impact, and to leaders who want to work on their leadership style. We also work with people to prevent burnout and prepare for their return to work, and are well equipped to support people with neurodivergent functioning. We help our clients find a way to balance their aspirations with their day-to-day professional life, and guide them towards a more fulfilling life.

For organisations, we work to define and implement cultural change strategies that truly put people and the environment at the heart of their mission. Our approach is to help companies create an environment where the culture promotes respectful leadership with strong ethical values.

We are committed to being facilitators of change, staying true to our vision of a society where every action counts in building a future where people and the environment thrive together.

We rely on a strong network of experienced professionals when your projects require additional talent and expertise.

Do not hesitate to send me a message if you would like to meet.

I look forward to meeting you soon,

Strategic communication 

Internal Communication & Employer Branding

Change Management & Team coaching – the people side of change

Business coaching, PUBLIC SPEAKING,  Training & Mentoring